“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
Michael Jordan

About Me
Hey everyone,
Welcome to the world of Brendan Gan! On this website you are going to get a glimpse into the real world life of a professional athlete, with the determination, positive attitude, fun-loving, craziness of a mix heritage guy who grew up in Sydney, Australia and pursued his career in his fathers home country of Malaysia.
I have an unfortunate wealth of knowledge in rehabilitation being a professional athlete who has been through one Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction and in the midst of rehab for another ACL reconstruction.
My website is designed to bring you amazing rehabilitation products, documented series of events whilst I go through my rehab, exercise programs for all wanting to know how I get through my rehab and some entertainment with behind the scenes action of a rehabilitating professional athlete.
Being Fearless is a choice, Choose to conquer your fears: “There is no better feeling then conquering your challenges in life“

“If you don’t challenge yourself you will never realise what you can become”
“Nothing comes from only dreaming. Have those dreams but make sure you WORK to achieve them”
Brendan Gan
“One of the greatest challenges in life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else”